The NBS Story

For as long as I can remember I’ve had sensitive skin. The soaps I used to wash my face were strategically selected for fear of using the wrong product and ending up with an allergic reaction. If that wasn’t bad enough, I passed the “sensitive skin trait” to my daughters because they, too, have sensitive skin along with eczema problems.
In 2008 I decided to research and explore natural ways to alleviate our issues. On my quest to find a solution for my daughters I came across the perfect combination of natural ingredients which yielded excellent results. Not only did my products work, but the benefits were natural and lasting. No chemicals, no synthesized or modified agents – simply all natural ingredients measured, mixed and specially processed.
For years people were sincerely amazed by the condition of our skin and became interested in what we used. I felt as though I'd be doing a disservice by not sharing our personal remedies; so with that being said, in 2016 NūBorn Skin® was conceived. Although we are an operation consisting of a few people working in close proximity - the quality and magic in our products gives the impression of a big corporation. Needless to say, we're growing and continually making improvements in this new adventure.
It is said that simplicity is the highest form of sophistication and resolution. In this case, natural ingredients foster the highest form of results. Whether it's the artesian mineral water that we personally retrieve from a local prehistoric spring located 2,000 feet underground that we use; or the specific black tea we seethe, we pride ourselves in taking the earths natural elements and blending them in such a way that allows us to unlock the secrets of natural healing with remarkable results. We welcome you to join us on our journey!
Creator and CEO
Cebrum George II